Monday 29 October 2012


Everyone's lives take on a colour depicting what they are feeling at that moment.. Mine at the moment would be grey (possibly not fifty shades though) I am in a Meh area.. I have a job that I don't love or hate, I'm not in a relashionship but there are people to.. what shall we say.. call upon should an event present its self. I live in a great town but often feel claustrophobic and have great friends but only a few of which are within my age bracket/relashionship status... so the colour is.. Grey.. A nothing.. Which at the age of 24.. probably should't be the case.. I should be in a gloriously rich Green or a brilliant burgundy .. but no.. im stuck with boring Grey. A nothing colour. The colour of a day where nothing can be done ... you cant go out and walk as you cant see five feet in front of you but you also feel guilty about staying in watching a movie as technically its not raining or cold outside. Just .. Grey.

Anyway .. A little about me... Im 24.. Just.. Pretty sure my first wrinkle has already arrived... I have loved.. and I have felt the torture of heartbreak.. something that really lets you know your a adult. I no longer live with my parents but sometimes the threat to move home is somewhat over whelming when you know there's hot food every night and freshly laundered clothes in the morning.. compared to the living off pesto pasta for 2 weeks and your freshly laundered clothes smelling of fag ash and never quite being wrinkle free...My phone buzzes approximately every 10 minutes during the day.. of which 90% is e-mails from companies offering me free Penis enlargers or letting me know the newest offers at Always On Vacation have finally come up!.. These would both be useful if A I had a penis or B any money to actually go away. Sadly tho neither of these are the case.

In other words im a normal ish, Single, 24 Year old who has got absolutely no idea what on earth I am going to do with my life.. other than the obviously of marring a fantastically handsome millionaire who loves me beyond anything and wants to shower me in presents and diamonds all day.. And I would probably still protest I want to go to work.. Well maybe not! Hey it worked out for Anastasia Steel... Why not me.. O
Yer that was fiction and apparently im living in reality - Dam it!

There was a boy for a bit... A bad one.. You know that one you think is a bit a know it all, Bit to over confident in fact a lot of the time you slag em off but really you wouldn't say no.. Yer one of those.. I can see you all thinking back and remembering that one.. the one we couldn't change and we almost wouldn't want to because that's what the attraction was ... The Bad One... Sadly for me The Bad One type is pretty much the only males I fall for.. Name it ive probably kissed it/dated it/slept with it/ tried to change it... weirdly im 24 and still single.. ill let you make up your mind if it ever worked... Anyway im currently on a ban from these said "bad ones" because well.. they will just lull me back in the dark dark world... so best I sleep with my night light on for the next few weeks..

My other sucker as im sure there are many of us out there... Uniforms.. What is it with men in uniforms.. I even fancied the dustbin man the other day as he was wondering around in his navy blue jump suit, slight overhang from his 56 year old pot belly and the strays of hair dangling  from the wrong side of his comb over.. Too be fair even he had a better chance of pulling at that exact moment than me as I was trying to get out of my car with my seatbelt still very firmly in place - Never an attractive look of a girl in a short skirt trying to yank herself out of a car whilst still plugged in.. and really the first time I pulled to get out and nothing happened it should of clicked but no.. I just carried on for a few more attempts just to make sure it was firmly in place..with that slight strain on my face of a cooommmeee oonn... look about it.. and then the realisation face.. which means for those that haven't embarrassed them selves in this manor.. the unclick your seat belt.. Have a look in your handbag, re-adjust your lip gloss and then get out the car like it was all on purpose.

This is my colour for the day Grey... If anyone else has a better colour please notify me and let me know the way to get there... Fingers crossed for another colour tomorrow.. although really hoping Black Wont be it!

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